The cost of a college education is often expensive. Over the years the price of attending a college or university has become out of reach for a lot of people. This forces many students to borrow money to fund their education.

The Biden administration has forgiven student loan debt throughout his administration. There has been discussion recently about the possibility of more student loan forgiveness before the transition to the next President Trump administration. For now, according to, the future of student loan forgiveness is in doubt.

There are a lot of Montanans that currently have student loans. some of the numbers, particularly the total amount of debt owed, are surprising. According to, 127,000 Montanans hold student loan debt, accounting for just over 11% of the state’s total population. The total amount that is owed is $4.3 billion. 48% of the people that owe have debt are under the age of 35.

The fact that nearly half of Montana’s borrowers are young adults underscores how early in life this financial burden begins. Many are just starting their careers and families, yet they already face debt that can take decades to repay. This kind of financial pressure often can delay major milestones like buying a home, pursuing advanced education, or saving for retirement.

These figures highlight the widespread impact of student loans on Montanans, especially younger residents. The question of how to address this challenge remains critical for a big percentage of our population, as it affects not just individuals but also the broader economy and future opportunities for many Montanans.

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