‘Walking America Couple’ Are Making Their Way Across Montana
This time of year in Montana is perfect for getting outside and going for a walk. The grass is green, the animals are active, and the weather is pleasantly cool. Even a short walk with my dog chasing pine cones brings me a lot of joy. The fresh air and exercise are a simple way to change my perspective and appreciate the beauty of where we live.
However there is a couple out there putting my walks to shame. They go by the "Walking America Couple" and their plan is to walk in all 48 contiguous states. They set out from Missouri in 2022 on their journey and right now they are walking their way through Montana. According to their social media updates they are traveling towards Missoula over the next few weeks. They are attempting their walk without using interstates, while meeting people and experiencing the different states, and landscapes along the way.
The couple is Paige and Torin Rouse and here is their message:
Their trek is impressive. They're avoiding interstates, choosing instead to experience the backroads, meet people, and soak in the diverse landscapes along the way. They're funding their journey through donations on various platforms and keeping their followers engaged with social media posts. Their website offers more in-depth stories for those who want to delve deeper.
Here is a video of one of their journeys.
Their journey is expected to take over four years, and they've already encountered a detour, currently exploring the West before originally planned. Let's keep an eye out for the Walking America Couple! We Montanans can show them our generosity and hospitality. I, for one, wish them the best of luck on their incredible adventure.
Montana Northern Lights Pictures
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Gallery Credit: Hannah Lang
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