Splash of a Day! Photos from the 2023 Polar Plunge in Missoula
The weather was on everyone's mind the days leading up to Missoula's 2023 Griz Dip Polar Plunge. Most of Montana was in the midst of a cold snap just a few days before Special Olympic athletes and supporters were to take the "plunge".
Missoula's Weather Was Fantastic
The day of the event in Missoula the weather was fantastic. Sunny, with blue skies, temps were in the 30's, which normally would have felt cold, but when we were seeing negative temps just a few days before, it felt almost warm. Ashley and I had the privilege of being the announcers for the event. We may have looked at the weather a bit differently if I was one of the brave souls who were taking the "plunge".
Montana Had Multiple Polar Plunges
This year the Polar Plunge took place in 14 different locations across Montana. This was the first year it was held at the Missoula Fairgrounds. These fundraisers are important for our Special Olympians in Montana. Because Montana is such a big state, our teams have to do a lot of traveling to compete. These fundraisers help make that possible. They also take a lot time and energy to help put these events on.
Congratulations To the Missoula Jumpers and Athletes
For me it is an honor to be a part of these events. There are so many people to congratulate and thank that help make these events special. Thanks to Officer Brian Laroque and Jared Redeen for taking part in the opening ceremonies. Officer Laroque, is a member of the Law Enforcement Torch Run. Jared not only helped recite the "Athlete Oath", but also won "Best Dressed" for the event. Congratulations also goes to Finn Kemp who was the "Top Plunger". Finn collected the most donations out of any single jumper.
Something New For The Missoula Jump
There was a new twist this year, with the help of VW Ice, there was an opportunity for people to purchase bags of ice to add to the water. There wasn't a single bag of ice left, every one was purchased.
Can't Thank Missoula Enough
Thanks to all the volunteers and sponsors who help put this event on:
- Montana Police Protective Association
- Town Pump
- Murdoch's Ranch & Home Supply
- Prime Media
- Montana Fiberglass
- BestMed Urgent Care
- Missoula Police Department
- VW Ice
- Missoula Fairgrounds
- Serving Thyme catering
- Missoula Fire Dept.
- Army Recruiting Office
- First Interstate Bank
- Missoula Country Search and Rescue
- Z100/ Townsquare Media
The Montana Torch Run Is Coming In April
The Law Enforcement Torch Run will be making it's way through Missoula in April. When the exact date gets announced we will let you know, so you can help support this inspiring cause. For all of those that jumped, volunteered and continue to support the Special Olympics of Montana, Thank You. Enjoy the pictures that Ashley took while braving the "splash zone", and remember the athlete pledge.
Let me win.
But if I cannot win,
let me be brave in the attempt
There was a lot of bravery on display this past weekend.
Splash! Photos from the 2023 Polar Plunge in Missoula
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