The Reviews Are in for Montana’s New State Park
It's not often that Montana, or any state for that matter, gets a new state park but in May of 2022, the Governor's office announced that because of House Bill 5, Montana, Fish, Wildlife & Parks had the authority to create a new state park.
Now, it's been roughly one year since the land that was donated by the Sliter family became the Somers Beach State Park which is located on the north shore of Flathead Lake.
The park's development has been influenced by public input and as of April 17 of 2023, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks posted an update about the plans.
In its decision notice, FWP acknowledged modifying the preferred alternative, Alternative C, by removing the proposed tent campsites. FWP is also constructing vault latrines instead of flushing restrooms and not building an entry station or natural playground. If costs exceed available funding, the group picnic shelter and the hand launch may be excluded from construction and installed later should additional funding become available. - Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks
That may explain what appears to be mixed reviews of the park. While some find the park a great place to walk and appreciate the scenery, others say the amenities aren't up to par. According to Google, the park has an average rating of 3.7.
If you haven't had the chance to visit the park, read on to get a more detailed account of how others have been using and enjoying (or feeling disappointed) in the park. One thing to note about the reviews: they're not necessarily in chronological order, and some reviews were submitted at roughly the same time, even if one had 5 stars, and another had 1.
If you've visited the park, let us know what you think on our app.