Most Dangerous Streets in Missoula for Bicycle Riders
We often talk about how challenging Missoula's streets can be for cars. Recently, we noticed Missoula drivers drifting when changing lanes, and that there's a really confusing intersection on Arthur. But one of our listeners pointed out that if a street is difficult for cars, it might be even more difficult for people on bicycles.
Not every part of Missoula is challenging for cyclists. The University of Montana just sent out a press release today saying the University had been designated "a gold level Bicycle Friendly University." The award recognizes the university's efforts in making the campus safe and accessible for cyclists.
But if you do plan to ride your bike in Missoula there are a few streets where you'll want to exercise some caution. These were recommended to me by local cyclists who frequently ride around Missoula.
Mullan and Reserve
It may not be a confusing intersection, but it's one of Missoula's most challenging and with how many lanes of traffic there are, cyclists will have to be vigilante to make sure drivers are aware of them.
Orange Street
One of the cyclists I talked to said that Orange Street makes this list because "It's fast and narrow."
Higgins Avenue--along the Hip Strip
Another place where the street can be narrow and an area with a lot of pedestrians.
Brooks Street - when it becomes a 4-lane
Similar to Reserve Street, a lot of traffic moves through this area of town, and many of the vehicles are turning into business parking lots from the street or merging into traffic from parking lots and this can be treacherous for cyclists.
Arthur and South Avenue
The free turn confuses cars but it can be tricky for cyclists too because a car may not give them the right-of-way even if they're in the "Right Free Turn" lane. It brings up a common misperception: cyclists who use the road will follow the same rules as a car. Meaning, if you're in a vehicle, you need to treat a bicycle like another vehicle.
Broadway through Downtown
I have first-hand knowledge of how scary this street can be for a cyclist. I saw a cyclist get hit by a car on this stretch of road. The intersection where it happened still haunts me. You might think that downtown is a place where people travel slowly and watch for pedestrians and cyclists but in the incident I saw, the car was moving slowly.
Anywhere During Leaf Pickup Season
Even though the City of Missoula asks that residents avoid pushing leaves into bike lanes, on streets where there aren't bike lanes the leaves end up right where many cyclists tend to ride. And frozen leaves can be a surprising obstacle.
Good luck to Missoula's cyclists and motorists, please share the road.
10 of Missoula's Most Infuriating Intersections
Gallery Credit: Ashley
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