Montana’s Darby Bread Box Has Seen Ups and Downs in 2022
We are getting ready for our 28th Annual Guerrilla Turkey Drive, powered by Missoula Electric Cooperative, again this year. We will be getting help from Decker Truck Lines and from KPAX-TV. For the past 27 years, we have been collecting turkeys and money for food banks in Western Montana. We will again be asking for your help this coming season. We will be kicking off our turkey drive on Monday, November 14th and wrapping it up on Friday, November 18th. We will be asking for you to please help us out and donate a turkey or money if you can. We want to make sure everyone in Western Montana has a turkey for Thanksgiving.

Getting ready to start collecting
As we get closer to our food drive, I have had the opportunity to talk to some of the volunteers at the food banks. I spoke with Mary Lockwood of the Darby Bread Box and asked her if they have seen an increase in clients over the past year.
We have seen a decrease...we are starting to pick up a little bit, but I would say we lost about 30 clients. Some of clients have moved, passed on. The rent is so high down here that people can't afford to live down here, so they have had to move. - Mary Lockwood, Darby Bread Box
Even though earlier in the year the Darby Bread Box has seen fewer clients, the cost of groceries has increased and that has affected their budget. When I asked her if they have seen this rise too she said:
Very much so, things that we used to buy for say a dollar, they are a $1.25 or $1.50. Our food expense has gone up. - Mary Lockwood, Darby Bread Box
Every food bank that I have spoken with has seen a different set of challenges this year and they are all expecting even more as the weather starts to get colder and heating bills rise. If you can help out and bring by donations for our Guerrilla Turkey Drive to 3250 South Reserve from November 14th through November 18th, it would go a long way to helping the Darby Bread Box meet its goals and make sure everyone in Western Montana has a turkey for Thanksgiving.
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