Two Montana Towns Rank High In Best Places For Football
Montana does not have a professional sports franchise, but we don’t let that stop us from being a state that is passionate about the sports teams we do have. The closest we have to professional teams would be the Montana State University Bobcats and the University of Montana Grizzlies. When it comes to sports, football is king. According to a Gallup Poll, football is most people’s “favorite sport to watch”. If there is any doubt just look at the stadium capacities for Bobcat Stadium and Washington Grizzly Stadium, no other sport in Montana draws as many fans to the games.
Montana Towns Appreciate Football
There was a recent study done by Wallet Hub analyzing over 240 cities in the United States to gauge which cities are the “Best and Worst” for football fans. They only chose cities that have either a professional or college football teams. Congratulations Montana, both Bozeman and Missoula make the list of some of the best cities to be in if you are a football fan. The cool thing was how high both cities scored.
Montana Football Fans Score High Despite Our Population
They analyzed 21 key metrics, so right away we are at a disadvantage because of the lack of professional teams. They also took into consideration population, which also puts both cities further down the list. But overall, the two Montana towns ranked high.
Which Montana Town Ranks Higher
According to the report, the number one city for football fans in the U.S. is Pittsburgh, PA. Montana showed up though. Out of the over 240 cities, Missoula came in at number 74. Bozeman came in at number 81. When surveys like this come out, I always appreciate the conversations that they will help start. For example; If Missoula, ranked so much higher than Bozeman, why did ESPN Gameday choose to go to Bozeman over Missoula? Feel free to discuss.
Montana Teams Win Again
For the record coming in dead last in the report is Valparaiso, IN. I wasn’t able to find any record of the Montana State Bobcats playing Valparaiso in football. The University of Montana Grizzlies beat them back in September of 2017, 45-23. It looks like we have beaten them again.