The annual Missoula Pride Parade took place this last weekend as part of Pride Month which takes place in the month of June all across the country. There are multiple parades throughout Montana to celebrate, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender pride.

Pride Parades Are Held in Multiple Montana Towns in 2024

Other Montana cities had, or plans to have parades to celebrate Pride in Montana. Billings, Bozeman, Helena, and Big Sky have had a parade or are planning on having a parade later this summer.

Missoula's Weather Wasn't the Best for A Parade

In Missoula, the rainy and cool weather wasn't the best for a parade, but that didn't stop the crowds from coming out and the parade from starting right on time. This year the parade ran a different route than other parades in Missoula. The parade staged on 3rd and 4th streets right off of Higgins and then went north over the Beartracks bridge towards Main Street, where the parade ended with a block party.

The Weather Added a Rainbow Or Two in the Missoula Sky

There were a lot of rainbows during the parade with clothes, umbrellas, flags and even pets. The rain started to taper off about half way through the parade. The sun came out and depending on where you were you may have been able to see an actual rainbow in the Missoula sky.

There were over 60 different floats in the parade this year, it wasn't the longest parade that Missoula has seen, but it wasn't the shortest parade either.

Missoula's 2024 Pride Parade

The Missoula 2024 Pride Parade in downtown Missoula

Gallery Credit: Chris Wolfe

10 Montana Cities Ranked by How Diverse They Are

Montana may not be known for its diversity but it is interesting to see the diversity within the state. WalletHub did a 2024 study of diversity in U.S. cities and we've pulled out the Montana cities below. Not all variables from the study are included, but you can get an idea of how diverse each city is.

Gallery Credit: Ashley

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