How Hard Is It To Find Love In Montana?
Valentine's Day is on the way. This is when people start talking about relationships. For good or for bad, the topic comes up this time of year. There are so many ways to look at Valentine’s Day. Some people hate it. Some people embrace the “holiday”. Some people just deal with it. Some people just ignore it. Whichever way you look at it, Montana is a tough state for singles who are dating.
Montana One of The Hardest For Singles
Wallet Hub has released information on the “2023 Best and Worst States for Singles”. Montana, according to them, is one of the "worst” states for singles. Our state came in at number 41 out of 50 states. Wallet Hub ranked the states using 30 different key metrics.
The Montana Rankings That Stood Out
As I was looking at Montana's rankings, there were a few that stood out to me. One of the metrics that seems pretty self-explanatory is the states that ranked the highest also have high populations, so that puts Montana at a disadvantage from the start. One of the metrics where Montana ranked high was “Dating Economics”, we ranked number 12 out of 50. In Montana we like cheap dates.
Montana "Mobile" Dating Is Tough
Another metric that stood out to me was “Mobile Dating Opportunities”. Montana ranked 48th. If you live in Montana that is pretty easy to explain. We are a huge state, with not a lot of people. Let’s say you do get a match on a mobile dating app; you may have to drive hundreds of miles just to meet that person.
It Isn't Impossible To Date In Montana
It may be difficult to date in Montana, but it isn’t impossible. If you want to date, you should go to where the people are. You can volunteer with local agencies. You can get a hobby that will help you meet people. You can become a radio DJ. If you don’t want to date, Montana a fantastic option too. We have open space and a lack of people, but I will save that story for another Valentine’s Day.
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