Here we go again, the road travel season is starting to get underway in Montana. Gas prices are going down, Memorial Day is coming up, the National Park entrances are opening and tourists will start to make their way to our state.

Read More: Montana Gas Prices: Biggest Drop So Far This Year 

That means we will have more people on our roads. They will be coming from all over. That also means we will have drivers from all over coming to Montana. I don't think many people want to admit that they are bad drivers. I also don't think many people want to be told they are a bad driver. So I hate to break the news to you, but Montana drivers, again, are ranked as some of the worst in the nation.

Montana Ranks in the Top 10 Worst Drivers in the Nation

According to Forbes, Montana ranks in the top 10 "States With the Worst Drivers", coming in at number 5. The state with the worst drivers is New Mexico, followed by, our neighbors to the south, Wyoming, then comes Texas, Oklahoma and Montana rounding out the top five.

The Numbers Are Not Good

Even though some people may find this amusing, some of the numbers that prove this are nothing to laugh about. Here are some of the rankings for Montana, that shows we are not safe drivers.

  • Montana has the highest number of drunk drivers involved in fatal crashes in the country.
  • Montana ranks fifth for fatal car crashes involving drivers who were driving too fast for conditions, speeding, or racing.
  • Montana ranks seventh for fatal car crashes involving drowsy drivers.
  • Montana ranks eighth in DUI arrests.
  • Montana ranks eleventh in fatal crashes involving a distracted driver.

Montana is one of only two states that does not have statewide "distracted driver laws".

Read More: Montana Is One of Only Two States That Doesn't Have This State Law 

Montana continues to try to strive for "Vision Zero", with a goal of "zero deaths and zero serious injuries on Montana's highways". We still have a long way to go to try to achieve that goal. In the meantime, please designate a driver and be safe on Montana's roads.

Best Looking State Patrol Cars In (Almost) Every State

For the past 10 years, the American Association of State Troopers has held a contest to determine which state has the best looking patrol cruiser. Nearly every state police agency submits their best photo of their sharpest patrol vehicle a chance to win the coveted cover photo on the association's annual calendar. From cop cars rushing through blizzards to vehicles on the Grand Ole Opry stage, here are this year's nominees.

Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

LOOK: Here are the states where you are most likely to hit an animal

Hitting an animal while driving is a frightening experience, and this list ranks all 50 states in order of the likelihood of such incidents happening, in addition to providing tips on how to avoid them.

Gallery Credit: Dom DiFurio & Jacob Osborn

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