Are Candles In Pumpkins Banned in Montana?
This conversation got started when I heard that New York State banned the use of the traditional wax device to light up the jack-o-lantern. Who doesn't want you to use candles in your pumpkin anymore? The New York State Division of Consumer Services, BOO! It lays out all of the laws and regulations for Halloween in the State, calls for the use of battery-operated lights, or glow sticks to reduce the chance of fires and around decorations.
Well, when you put it that way. I began to search if Candles In Pumpkins were Banned in Montana. I only saw suggestions about not placing lit candles where costumes could brush against them and cause burns or fire. That sounds like common sense and a good idea all around pumpkin or not.
Several local VFDs had recommendations to keep any candles or Jack-o-Lanterns away from landings or doorsteps, so people would not trip or catch fire from them. Can pumpkins catch on fire if a lighted candle is inside them? No, pumpkins are not flammable.
The National Fire Protection Agency did have Halloween safety information with great advice and some cool poster and coloring printouts for kids. That was found through the Missoula County seasonal information website.
Pass the Matches?
The hallowed tradition of stuffing a Bic or using a pack of matches on a windy Montana eve to start the wick on the candle in your pumpkins for Halloween may be a thing of the past. It is a lot easier using battery candles because they last a lot longer.
Options for lighting up that grinning gourd? Christmas lights! You’ll have to get that box out very soon anyway, am I right? Led tea candles work great too, and the batteries last forever, flashlights in a pinch- just drop one in inside. But as far as the question of Are Candles In Pumpkins Banned in Montana? No, but not encouraged for safety reasons.
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