The Unique Montana Smells of Spring Can Be Confusing
Springtime in Montana is a magical time. Some say it's "magical" because it doesn't last very long. Others say it is "magical" because it can be spectacular when it finally arrives. No matter how you look at it, we will eventually get spring in Montana. For some reason this year it is just taking a bit longer than normal.
Spring Time in Montana Brings Out the Animals
With spring comes the awakening of animals out of hibernation. I am predicting we will see more bear interactions with people. It will be inevitable with all of the people that are moving into our state. Please be "Bear Aware". I am also predicting we will see the urban deer population in certain cities continue to increase. One of my favorite things about spring in Montana is the smells.
The Montana Smells of Spring
Montanans get outside much more in the spring and we get a chance to air out the house from a long winter. We work in our gardens, we hit the trails to hike and bike. Golf courses are in full swing. Lawns will start to be mowed. It is fantastic just to be outside and if we are lucky we will get some sun.
Some of the Montana Smells Can Be Confusing
I have a lilac bush in my yard and it is exquisite and fragrant when it blooms. Not all smells that happen in the spring are delightful. The past couple years there have been smells that have been confusing. We have fox, deer, raccoons, and skunks in our neighborhood. With the legalization of recreational cannabis in Montana, these days I am not sure if I am smelling a skunk or "weed" or both.
Enjoy Your Montana Spring Smells
Lately I have been doing a lot of traveling across Montana. Every time I get a whiff of what I think is a skunk on the road, I can't seem to find a carcass. Springtime in Montana brings with it the smells and sometimes those smells can be confusing. Safe travels all.