Want To Work in a Missoula Cemetery or Neighborhood?
If you are looking for a new career opportunity, the city of Missoula has a couple of interesting job openings that are a little different than your average 9-5 job.
We have been profiling some of Missoula neighborhoods lately to inform and educate about the community we live in. We have highlighted the Lower Rattlesnake, Two Rivers, Moose Can Gulley, Grant Creek, the Northside and Lewis and Clark. Missoula is looking for someone to help with the neighborhoods.
Missoula Neighborhood Specialist
Missoula is looking for a "Neighborhood Specialist" someone who can work with Missoulians and local government to help strengthen the relationship between them. What does a "Neighborhood Specialist" do? According to the job listing this what the job description says in part:
This position provides support for, and coordinates efforts of, the City's neighborhood system providing guidance, information, and resources to neighborhoods in order to educate, engage, and empower strong connections between residents, the City of Missoula and the community.
This position pays between $26.67-$29.31 hourly. Priority screening will begin on Thursday August 10th, so applications need to be filled out before that date.
Missoula Cemetery Technician
There is another job position that is a little more unique. The city of Missoula is looking for a "Cemetery Technician" for the Missoula City Cemetery. What does the "Cemetery Technician" do? According to the job listing this is what they will be required to do:
Continue the high-quality care, construction and maintenance that keeps the cemetery safe, attractive and well-tended.
This position pays between $18.88-$20.74 hourly. Priority screening for this position will begin on Monday August 7th, so applications need to be submitted before that date.
Job opportunities like these aren't available that often, if you are looking for a change of scenery you should apply.