Survivor Should Bring Back Montana’s Past Two Competitors
The television show Survivor is planning it's 50th season. The host of Survivor Jeff Probst was recently taking part in a question and answer session about the show and the upcoming 50th season. According to Entertainment Weekly, he has officially confirmed that Survivor's 50th season will be all "returnees", but didn't confirm the theme.
Fans Have Theme Theories
Fans continue to speculate on what the theme should be. There are theories that it could be a "Second Chance" season or an "Old Era vs. New Era", or even a "Runner-up" episode. Currently the show is in it's 46th season, and the 50th season won't be airing until 2026.
Montana's Two Survivor Competitors
Montana has had two competitors that have appeared on Survivor. Wendy DeSmidt-Kohlhoff and Amanda Kimmel have both competed for the title of "Survivor". Wendy was on only one season of the show. She was on "Survivor: Nicaragua" and was voted out at the very first tribal council.
Amanda Kimmel Almost Won Twice
Amanda Kimmel was much more successful on the show. She has appeared on three seasons, "Survivor: China", "Survivor: Micronesia" and "Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains". She was a hero. According to, Amanda is the first person to make it to two "Final Tribal Councils" and also holds the record for most days survived without being voted out at 108 days.
Either One Or Both Montana Survivor Contestants Would Be Cool
It would be cool to see one or both of these past contestants back on the show. I usually root for the underdog, so I would like to see Wendy DeSmidt-Kohlhoff back on the game, she never really got the chance to compete.
For years I have been saying that Survivor should do a season in Montana. I know that will never happen because there won't be any swimsuits on the show if it was filmed here. We will have to wait a while before we see who gets invited back to the show, but seeing past Montana contestants back on the show, would be a nice surpise.
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