Have you ever driven by a building that you see has started construction or is in the process of being built and wonder what is being built there? Or what business is going to be moving in to that location. The city of Missoula knows that people are curious too, so they have created an interactive map of the city of Missoula and the permits that have been granted for things like construction and/or remodeling. The website

Missoula's Interactive Permit Map

According to a press release from the city:

The City of Missoula replaced the Buildingeye platform with the City of Missoula Permit Atlas (MPA) effective January 18, 2024.  The Permit Atlas is part of the city’s effort to improve access to current information regarding building and land development in our community and neighborhoods.

The Permit Atlas is an interactive web map that integrates with the Permitting and Licensing Portal (Accela Citizen Access) and utilizes GIS and data visualization to represent building, land use (planning), and engineering permitting in a graphic format on city maps. The system is available for community members to search for current and past (September 2012 to present) permits within the city boundary.

City of Missoula Permits Interactive Map
Credit: City of Missoula Hub

If you are going to access this information you should be aware of the disclaimer and warning that goes along with it. See below:

Missoula Interactive Permit Map
Credit: City of Missoula

Missoula is Offering Transparency When it Comes to Permits

I applaud the city of Missoula for allowing the public access to the information that so many people want to know about. This will be a website that I have a feeling I will be using it often.

Get to Know Missoula A to Z

All about Missoula, Montana.

Gallery Credit: Angel

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