Local Missoula Facebook Group Wants To Fix Reserve Street
There is a local Facebook group that wants to try to help improve a Missoula fixture that can cause frustration for people. The group is simply called "Let's Improve Missoula's Reserve Street." It looks like that is their goal, to improve Reserve Street. According to their page:
This open and engaging community page brings more awareness to area growth management opportunities.
This page is not just a place where people can vent their frustrations about Reserve Street. In some cases people will do that, but it is also offering up ideas and dialogue about solutions to improve that area of Missoula.
An Area Of Reserve Street That Can Be Improved In Missoula
One of the areas of safety improvement is lighting the Reserve Street Bridge. It is simple solution, but it is expensive. If you want to know why the bridge doesn't have lights you can read about it here. This is an example of what is discussed on the page.
A Big Idea Would Be The First In Missoula
Another idea to improve Reserve Street was recently introduced on the page and that is the idea of installing a "Turbo Roundabout" at the Reserve and Mullan Street intersection. This intersection has caused frustration in Missoula. These are used in some countries in Europe. Is this an idea that can help Reserve Street in the future?
Missoula Roundabouts
Roundabouts in Missoula, is a topic that seems to anger some people. I might be in the minority, but they work well for me. If you have ever tried to cross Higgins on Beckwith, before the installation of the roundabout, you would have been there for what may seem like an eternity. Roundabouts keep the traffic flowing.
Missoula Traffic Circles
"Traffic Circles" are different from roundabouts. I have had my frustrations with them. Mostly because some drivers don't seem to know how to use them. When a vehicle tries to turn left, instead of entering the traffic circle, that can be dangerous. If you ever want to adopt a traffic circle in Missoula you can.
Change In Missoula Won't Happen Overnight
There is no "easy fix" for Reserve Street. There may be people who think that it doesn't need to be "fixed" and it is just fine the way it is. That is fine. If you are one of the people that think that area of Missoula can be improved, there is, at the very least, a forum where ideas and dialogue can be exchanged. That is a way that can help a community grow.
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