Would You Tip a Robot? Montana Grapples with New Tipping Norms
Tipping is a subject that I have strong feelings about. I have said it, probably too many times, that we should do away with tipping. The problem is, at this time, there isn't much I can do about it. Until our country collectively decides to do away with tipping, it will be sticking around.
Read More: An Open Letter to Montana on Tipping
Feeling the stress or guilt to tip is nothing new. What has changed is the increasing number of places where tipping is encouraged. From self-serve check out lines, to picking up to-go food orders, there is usually a tip jar present. When you use a card, there's often an uncomfortable situation: the person swings the screen around with big tip option buttons—usually 15%, 20%, or 22%. Unless you want to use the dreaded "custom" button and have to do the math yourself.
There was recently a story from DailyDot.com about a woman who was served by a robot and the robot had a screen that asked if she wanted to leave a tip. She didn't want to leave a tip for a robot. There is something to be said about dealing with a person and not a machine.
With new technology comes new ways of paying for that technology. So we asked our listeners if they "Would tip a robot?". There are quite a few people who don't take the question seriously. That's fine, but one day soon you may be asked for a tip from a robot, and it may be happening sooner rather than later.