Suggestions For Missoula’s Uplifting End Of Year Giving
The end of the year is coming soon. This is a great opportunity to take a look at local organizations that can use your help. Missoula has so many great organizations that are here to help our friends and neighbors.
The need is growing
We work with a lot of different non-profit organizations in Western Montana throughout the year and we are hearing a lot of the same stories. Montana has been a popular destination for people who have relocated in the past few years. With a bigger population comes a bigger need. If you can help out some of the agencies as they get ready to end their year, you would be providing much-needed help. Here are some agencies that could use your help. This is by no means a complete list, but this can be a start.
Missoula Aging Services
Missoula Aging Services has "The Holiday Giving Tree" up this year. There are a couple of different ways to donate for this. You can grab a tag off of the tree and pick out something specific for a client or you can donate money online.
Youth Homes
Youth Homes is focused on helping our local youth. They provide a safe haven for youth who are facing abuse, neglect, trauma, and substance abuse problems.
Montana Guardian Fund
The Montana Guardian Fund provides assistance to families of Montana Peace Officers who have lost their lives. According to their website, they also provide assistance for families of officers who are victims of serious traumatic injury and disabling injuries in their line of work and cannot return to work.
Missoula Food Bank
In working with the Missoula Food Bank this year, we were not aware of the impact of the increase in population on their operation. They informed us that for a lot of the year, they were seeing a record number of clients using the food bank.
End of the year
As the season of giving continues and as we get ready to wrap up 2022, please take a look at some of these organizations that could use some help at this time of year. If you can't donate money, there are hundreds of organizations that can use your time if you are willing to donate it.