12 Missoula Intersections Where You May Spend The Most Time
Spending time driving in Missoula can be frustrating. It can also be an adventure. The flow of traffic in town can come to a standstill at the drop of hat. One fender bender on Reserve and traffic can be backed up for miles. When you spend time in Missoula, you learn to find "alternative routes". It isn't always a straight line to get from point A to point B.
Missoula's Traffic Can Be Frustrating
When using those alternate routes, sometimes you get stuck at a red light. In Missoula some red lights are timed longer than others. Back in the day it was pretty easy in Missoula to determine which red light took the longest to get through, hands down it was "Malfunction Junction". The intersections of Brooks Street, Russell Street and South Avenue. It was by far the longest red light in Missoula. That is what happens when you have three major streets intersecting in one place. With the re-routing and removal of "Malfunction Junction", I was curious as to what intersection Missoulian's think now has the distinction of having the longest red light in town. We asked and you answered.
- Reserve Street- Reserve Street intersections were mentioned a lot. The traffic light at the intersection of North Reserve Street and England, got quite a few mentions.
N. Reserve and Interstate 90
N. Reserve and Mullan
North Reserve and England
Reserve and Mount
South Reserve and Brooks Street

- Broadway- Broadway which runs parallel to Reserve also sees a lot of traffic and the red lights can be long.
Broadway and Palmer
Broadway and Mullan
- Russell Street- Russell Street also got some mentions. Another major North and South street that carries a lot traffic.
Russell and Mount/14th Street
Russell and North
- Brooks- Brooks Street has quite a few intersections that when hitting a red light you are going to be there for a while on the some of the cross streets.
Brooks and Agnes
Brooks and Dore
Brooks and Miller Creek
Depending on where you are going or how you are getting there will determine how long you wait at some of these intersections. There are some red lights in Missoula that are so long that I wish the intersection had a roundabout. I know there are a lot of people here who hate roundabouts. There is one thing you can't argue about them, even if you are frustrated with the traffic, they keep the traffic moving. Until some of these traffic signals change in length, I will occupy my time waiting by air-drumming to the radio or practicing my Zen meditation.
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Gallery Credit: Dom DiFurio & Jacob Osborn
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