Close Call: Video Shows Fire in Missoula On 4th of July
The word that fireworks are against the law in the Missoula city limits was relayed many times leading up to the 4th of July. There were messages on radio, TV, and social media. We also got word that there would be no city-wide fireworks display this year. There were a lot of people that broke the law yesterday and it could have cost me, my family and my neighbors a lot last night.
Missoula Fireworks Were Abundant on the 4th
There were a lot of fireworks and sirens throughout the day on the 4th. Even with a threat of fines, it didn't stop people from lighting off fireworks in town. I normally go to sleep early because I have to get up early for work. At about 9:30pm last night my daughter came and woke me up to let me know there was a fire burning behind our house.
A Fire in Missoula Broke Out
It took me a second to wake up and get oriented. After looking out the back door and seeing a tree in our neighbors yard engulfed in flames, I called 911. Then I rushed out to turn on our hose and try to put out the fire. Neighbors came from all directions with hoses and fire extinguishers to try to fight the fire. A neighbor I haven't ever met, who was wearing a red, white and blue tank top and cowboy boots grabbed my hose and went to work as I went back in to check on my family and our anxiety ridden dog.
The Fire Could Have Been Tragic
The fire was pretty big by the time everyone started to try to put it out. It was located at the base of a power, cable and telephone power pole. The fire was only a couple hundred feet from a travel trailer that had propane tanks on it. It was only a couple hundred feet from a shed that houses a lawn mower, weed trimmer and multiple gas cans. It was only a couple hundred feet from 4 different homes and multiple trees, bushes and shrubs.
Breaking the Law in the Name of "Freedom"
The fire eventually was contained and extinguished by the Missoula Fire Department. As they were fighting the fire, fireworks were still being set off in the neighborhood. Which leads me to ask the question, does putting my family's and neighbors safety in jeopardy, to celebrate your "freedom" worth it, even though you are breaking the law? There are a lot of people that say that if you don't like something about a place, you should leave then. Well if you don't like that fireworks are illegal in Missoula, why don't you move somewhere where they are legal or where you can light them off safely?
Thank You to the Missoula Fire Department
I want to personally thank the Missoula Fire Department, and my neighbors for acting so quickly to make sure this situation didn't turn tragic.
Lots of Luck in Missoula Last Night
I am not against fireworks. I have enjoyed them through the years, both around the 4th of July and New Year's Eve. These days my views have changed. With the use of fireworks being against the law in Missoula, to me, it isn't worth the risk of a fine, or maybe even worse. To the people lighting off fireworks, you were lucky last night as well. If the situation had gotten worse, you would be the person punished, not only in the wallet, but possibly with jail time too.
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