This Is The Chance For Montana Made Backcountry Films
The Winter Wildlands Alliance is looking for submissions for the 2023-2024 "Backcountry Film Festival". This is an opportunity for Montana filmmakers to get your winter films seen by a big audience.
Big Sky Documentary Film Festival
There are some very talented filmmakers in Montana. The entrants of the Big Sky Documentary Film Festival are always impressive, especially to see local filmmakers get the spotlight and the attention they deserve. Like the incredible story of the Montana Vietnam Veteran that traveled back to Vietnam.
The Backcountry Film Festival
The Backcountry Film Festival is looking for stories that highlight the backcountry and the human spirit. According to their website here are what they are looking for:
Our mission is to manifest the power of humans and their spirit. We screen cinematic stories of outdoor stewardship, grassroots policy and advocacy work, backcountry adventure, and snow cinema by human-powered advocates, athletes, brands, activists, adventurers, and outdoor enthusiasts.
Montana's Backcountry is Ideal for Storytelling
Montana has some epic backcountry. In the winter we have a lot of people that recreate and take advantage of our amazing landscape, when that happen there are bound to be stories to tell.
Backcountry Film Festival is Taking Submissions Now
The Backcountry Film Festival travels to over 100 cities across the country and is made up of grassroots groups, local retailers, outdoor groups and community organizations. It is free to submit your work for consideration to be included in the festival. There are other rules that need to be followed for submissions and deadline for submitting is September 15th for all the information you can visit the submission website. Let's see some of our Montana filmmakers make the festival and applaud the stories they have to tell.