The annual pilgrimage to South Dakota is happening NOW!  This year's Sturgis Rally is going to be bigger than ever. As riders take to the open road, Montana has plenty of "must-see" stops. It is wise for riders to stop occasionally and take in the local vibes of communities across the state. Checking out some of Montana's state parks. Or quench your thirst at some of the many "watering holes" along the way.

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Speaking of "watering holes." When you reach Rapid City, South Dakota, be on the lookout for a roadside lemonade stand. A young man from the area is giving away free lemonade to all weary travelers on their way to Sturgis.

Wyatt Bennis woke up one morning and told his parents that he wanted to start a lemonade stand. Soon the stand was built and Wyatt made an agreement with his parents that he would run the stand for the entire week of the Sturgis Rally. Offering up free lemonade to anyone who stops by. In exchange for the hard work, Wyatt's parents agreed to buy Wyatt a Lego set he wanted.

It didn't take long for Wyatt to start dishing out lemonade to thirsty bikers. With the parched travelers leaving tips or donations as they left. Soon Wyatt's parents saw the Lego money was not going to be hard to obtain. So they talked Wyatt into splitting up the money that he made. 50% would go into savings for college, 30% would go toward a charity of Wyatt’s choice, and 20% would go toward the Lego set.

Wyatt chose St Jude's Children's Hospital because he wanted to help sick kids. It was only a matter of time before his lemonade stand went viral and caught the attention of the entire country.

According to Wyatt's Official Lemonade webpage

People from all over not only were visiting the stand while in town for Sturgis but also were donating for virtual glasses of lemonade.

After everything was said and done, Wyatt was able to give $32,500 to St. Jude in 2021. He returned in 2022 and gave $21,000, 2023 he gave $21,568 to finish off the season with amazing corporate support.

If you are heading to Sturgis for the rally this week. Wyatt is OPEN for 2024. Get directions here

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